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  • Writer's pictureRev. Trudy Daley

Surprises Are Coming!

There are several significant surprises coming. Some good surprises and some are not such good surprises. The plots and plans of the enemy are going to be stopped at every turn, but this will make him take things to greater extremes. Do you think that a group of protestors can overthrow this nation? Not so! Militant groups organized and funded by multiple sources have infiltrated the protestors and used them as human shields. When all is said and done, who will be hurt the most by all these events – the minorities and the African American population who have already been devastated by the shut down and the coronavirus.

The cry that keeps going forth is social racism and there may be some, along with an economic structure that makes it difficult for minorities to move up in society. What few are willing to look at is the fact that 75% of African Americans are born out of wedlock so that these families are instantly at a disadvantage. This has not always been the case in society. The family is what I created as the foundation for society. When children feel safe, wanted and loved in spite of lacking a great deal of money, they will grow and develop into productive members of society. It is not just the African Americans who are currently facing this problem. The same is true for the Hispanic families and yes, even 50% of Caucasian families. The enemy has worked hard to destroy families in this nation and people took the bait to their detriment and that of their children. Wake up My children and get your lives and marriages in order. Order produces good results. Do not be the part of society that somehow believes that living together and not being married is acceptable. And what do you think that children raised in these families are going to do? No solid families, no strong foundation and ultimately, the fall of that society. America presently is repeating all the sins of the Roman Empire before it fell. It ruled the world but came to ruins. America, your destiny is in your hands. Change your ways before it is too late. Take responsibility for your lifestyles. You owe it to your children and their children. I am coming soon.

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