June 20, 2023. Prophetic Word Received by Rev. Trudy Daley
You just celebrated Juneteenth, a federal holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States where one human being could own another human being. Sadly, slavery has not ended and perhaps is worse than it has ever been. During colonial slavery, the people were purchased and called to work on behalf of their owner. Some slaves were mistreated and even killed. Others were treated with more regard and some even educated. Modern-day slavery has been renamed trafficking and does not take place in just one country but takes place throughout the world. The new slave masters are the cartels that operate in various countries. However, they are only part of the system that is using children and women for their nefarious needs. There are underground facilities that keep, molest, torture, maim, kill, and even sacrifice children. We have returned to Old Testament times of Moleck when children were sacrificed by their parents to him hoping that he would bless them for doing so. Today, parents are selling their children for small amounts of money to survive or prostituting them for financial gain. My response in the Old Testament was to punish Israel for these actions. What do you think My response to America and those throughout the world who are aborting or trafficking My children --- judgment? But I also say to those parents who have neglected, abused, or abandoned your children, I will also deal with you! All My children are precious to Me, and I give them to you to love, nurture, and protect. I will help you to do that if you ask Me to.
Are you a slave? So many are slaves to various things – drugs, pornography, sex, gambling, lifestyles, work, sports, and even media. If you cannot stop these activities, then you are a slave to them and need to be delivered. Anything that controls you, and you don’t control it has you in slavery. All sin seeks to keep you in bondage – slavery. I sent My Son, Jesus Christ, to set you free from every weapon of the enemy that wants to control you and keep you in sin. You can be free and live a life free from slavery. Yes, you sin everyday but does not mean you are in slavery. You are forgiven daily when you repent and are no longer a slave but in Christ, you become My son and heir.
Weekly Challenge! Choose to be free from anything in your life that has you in bondage and ask Me to deliver you!
Word of Encouragement! The consequences of sin entering the world through Adam and Eve was that it set in motion an ongoing battle between good and evil – sin and righteousness. I sent My Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to bring the opportunity to be set free and forgive everyone who desires it. I am your father, protector, deliverer, and the one who loves you and forgives you. I am the God of many chances. Call on Me to set you free from any form of slavery that you are in.