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  • Writer's pictureRev. Trudy Daley

Shed Blood!

The blood of the innocent has and is crying out to me - all aborted and murdered babies, all those killed for their beliefs, all those killed because they were caught up in wars of various kinds, all those who succumbed to the virus, and all those who stood and fought for righteousness and truth. I have heard their cries just as I heard the cry from the blood of Abel who was murdered by his brother, Cain. Blood is what is life-giving because it carries what the body needs to live. Innocent blood shed feeds evil and empowers it. In ancient times, children were sacrificed to please their gods. In our times, children are being sacrificed to provide organs, Adrenochrome (a youth producing serum) and are used for pleasure. It may be hard to comprehend that all this is happening, but it is throughout the world. Tunnels and underground facilities are the places where these things are happening and yes, even governments and governmental organizations are involved in it. It goes to the highest levels of government and society. Many are working to legalize pedophila which was prevalent in early societies in Rome and Greece.

This week the world recognizes both Passover and Easter (Resurrection Day). For the Jewish community that celebrates Passover, it is the celebration of the time in Jewish history when the blood of a lamb that was slain was placed over the doorposts of the house so that the angel of death would pass over the house and not kill the first born child. Resurrection Day is when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, who was slain on the cross so that His sacrifice would destroy the power of death over you and all believers. Christ’s blood still exercises power over death and disease and delivers you from all forms of evil and negative forces. Choose this day to receive freedom from any form of death in your life. He is Risen and Saves!

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