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  • Writer's pictureRev. Trudy Daley


Are you as a nation being separated into opposing groups and forced to choose which side that you are going to be on? Along with that choice comes anger, hatred and intolerance. The virus and the restrictions that have come with it have created an atmosphere of isolation. Yes, the family has been forced to quarantine together which in some instances has been a blessing but in others, a greater opportunity for abuse. People are being divided along political lines and racial lines. This has been a tactic of not only political groups but the enemy himself. Divide and conquer has long been a tactic in any war because a nation divided against itself cannot and will not stand.

It grieves My heart when I look at families and see how separated they are. It is commonplace for some members of the same family not to be speaking to each other. The rule for holiday celebrations is that in order to keep peace that politics and religion are not to be discussed. There also seems to be greater separation between the generations and opposing values. Values have changed more drastically in the last twenty years than centuries before. My values and laws have never changed and will not because they provide the basis for a structure where everyone is valued and to be respected regardless of affiliations, gender, religion or race. In My eyes, you are all created equal and valued by Me. My Son, Jesus Christ, died for each and every one of you.

Anger and hate serve no constructive purpose and create unrest and division and ultimately death and destruction. I call you to begin a process of reconciliation within your own families first and then within your own neighborhoods. I will help you to achieve that as you choose to reconcile with Me. How can you hate your own family and others but declare that you love Me? Sadly, many of you do not even love yourselves nor forgive yourselves for past and present mistakes. I am One who seeks restoration with you and through that for you and all others. There is great power in unity. Unity that is based on My values and structures. Unity brings hope and life. Disunity brings destruction and death. What do you want for your life? Do not let the enemy use you for his purposes.

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