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  • Writer's pictureRev. Trudy Daley

Many events have been set in motion and drums of war are beating

Many events have been set in motion and drums of war are beating, but it will not come in the way that many have wanted and pushed for. Those who would prosper from war take no consideration for the lives of those who actually fight the war and those who become their collateral damage – men, women and children of all ages. Military power and dominance seem to be the goal of a small handful of men, and it has been so throughout history. But in spite of their many victories and rise to fame, ultimately, they come to collapse and destruction. Unless America turns back to Me and repents, its fate will be the same.

Do you see what is happening in Puerto Rico? It is not over yet. More is to come. California is next. Keep an eye for what is about to happen there. Much is happening that most people are unaware of that could prove to be deadly. Have you ever asked the question why the United States allows chemicals to be used in your foods that European countries don’t allow, and what about GMO foods which also are not allowed in Europe? There are so many sources of heavy metals that are being taken in which contaminate your bodies. How much do you know about the water that you are drinking? Does it have fluoride in it? What about the vitamins and supplements that you take? Do they contain substances that are harmful to you that are used for fillers? How have the pharmaceutical companies indoctrinated doctors to prescribe medicines that have significant side effects? The overuse of antibiotics prescribed have long term effects that are just being discovered. Yes, medicine can and does save lives, but it needs to be closely monitored and reviewed. Food grown organically can be a good source of nutrition for the body and create great health. Peace, rest, contentment, prayer and meditation are also effective ways to create good mental and physical health. How well are you caring for the body that I gave you?

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