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Writer's picture: Rev. Trudy DaleyRev. Trudy Daley

February 28, 2023 Prophetic Word Received by Rev. Trudy Daley


I created you with a free will so that you could make choices that would keep you free. Other people being used by the enemy have done everything within their power to rob you of that freedom. When your freedom of religion was threatened, I brought you from England to a new world where you would be free to practice your faith free from governmental controls. This battle was still ongoing when the current government in the name of Covid tried to shut down churches as well as people. This was a great affront to you and your freedom. Governmental officials tried to rob you of more freedom by mandating vaccines if you worked for the government or any companies doing business with it. Many exercised their freedom to choose and lost their jobs and careers. Since that time, much has been at work trying to limit various aspects of your life - what you can say, what you should believe, what energy resources you should use, who you should watch and listen to. Your mind is constantly trying to be programmed by subliminal messaging. All to try to control you and take away your freedom.

I have created you to be free and desire you to remain so. In this way, you can be all that I destined you to be in the world and for eternity. From the fall of Adam, sin entered the world and began its efforts to enslave you and take you captive and cause you physical, emotional, and spiritual death. I in turn set you free from that through the death and resurrection of My Son, Jesus Christ. Through Him, you have freedom. The battles that you face in life still try to keep you from your destiny and all the blessings that I have for you. Trust in Me, and you will overcome all the efforts of the enemy for now and eternity.

Watch as I begin to deal with all the people that have tried to enslave you and destroy you and rob you of your freedom. Each of them had a choice of who and what they would serve. They shall now reap the consequences of their choices. My judgment has been released, and My angel of death has been sent forth to carry out that judgment. Wow to them! Many, many shall fall, and all that they set in motion will be stopped and reversed. I will restore what they have tried to rob My children of and return even better aspects of these - especially energy in its present forms.

Weekly Challenge! Choose freedom for every area of your life!'

Word of Exhortation!

I created you to be free and will help you battle any efforts to rob you of that freedom. My will for you is perfect and loving if you choose it. Yes, you have free will - the ability to make your own choices. I gave this to you in hopes that My love for you would cause you to desire a relationship with Me, and we could do life, destiny, and eternity together.

My love for you is unconditional and nothing can separate you from it except your free will.

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