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  • Writer's pictureRev. Trudy Daley

Fear Not!

God is declaring that we should not fear for He is with us and watches over us and protects us. The enemy has released a spirit of fear over the world that has been attached to the coronavirus. It is not simple fear but a spirit of fear which settles over a person’s mind and heart and brings confusion and discouragement.

Isolation has been dictated to separate you from others and yes, even from Me as many cannot attend church to be helped and given hope. Most of you do not attach the concept of a spirit with emotions but that is one of the main tactics of the enemy. Fear no evil for I have overcome the devil and his minions.

Control, yes and absolute control is what many people in the world and in politics want. They believe that if they can control every aspect of a situation that they can determine the outcome of what they want. That is one of the biggest lies that the enemy puts forth into the minds of people. I am in control because. My actions create and My actions destroy. Do I allow circumstances that I use for My purposes to exist--- absolutely? Are there times when you wonder where I am when evil happens—yes? Did I create this virus? No. Is the enemy using it to affect the whole world and cause people to live in fear? Am I going to bring this to an end in due season? Yes. This is for a season created by man and the devil to interfere with the world’s prosperity and expansion. It will not succeed. It seems so now but will soon come to an abrupt end. Turn your eyes to what I am about to do in the world. I am preparing for the greatest harvest that the world has ever seen. Healings and miracles will become commonplace as I use many to do these things. Are you willing to be used by Me? If you are, then watch and see what I will do through you!

The dominos are about to fall in the political arena as more and more truth will be revealed. Many will be shocked by what and by whom crimes against humanity have been done. Justice will prevail and My justice will be done – not the world’s but mine. Fear not as you see this happen. It must be so.

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