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  • Writer's pictureRev. Trudy Daley

Do Not Underestimate Me! Place – Position – Authority!

Do Not Underestimate Me!

You are looking at the current political situation, and you are beginning to question My prophets and what they have said and not taken into consideration who I am. President Trump has done much in his time in office to bless Israel, to stand for the unborn and to protect My church. However, he is not your savior and your future is determined by Me. The enemy has used this COVID-19 pandemic to attach a spell to it to create a sense of being overwhelmed even by simple tasks and situations. Many also feel heavy, hopeless, ineffective and just want to withdraw and not have to deal with anything. These are the effects of a Jezebel spirit’s spell.

Place – Position – Authority!

You are in a place right now, and if you have obeyed Me, you are in the right place to be used by Me. I have also put you in the position that you occupy: doctor, lawyer, teacher, minister, worker, father, mother, governor, senator, policeman. I have given you varying levels of authority in these positions that you are to use to bless and protect those that you serve. If you seek Me and ask for wisdom and good judgement to help you in these positions, I will give it to you. You are living in very critical times, and I have chosen for you to be here at this time. It is not an accident. Look to Me for guidance and direction.

The enemy is using this pandemic to prepare you for an even greater force that will try to completely control all your actions. If you accept all that is happening thinking that all you need to do is wait it out and all will go back to normal, you are mistaken. This is a spiritual battle for control of you, this nation and the world. The church must arise to fight it or the battle will be lost. The world has no understanding of what is really happening. The enemy, a Jezebel spirit, in conjunction with the powers and principalities of this world are determined to accomplish their goal. The church and its members walking in the authority that I have given to them can defeat this enemy with prayer, repentance, faithfulness and the truth along with My Son, Jesus Christ. Fight in the battle.

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