t is appointed for man to die once. Death can come in many forms: physical, emotional, spiritual. I have also numbered the days for each person. But man, through their choices, can change that. The will to live is very powerful and can keep people alive and going through unbelievable circumstances. When that will is gone, death can come very quickly. I call you to choose life on a daily basis no matter where you are in your life. When you go through the valley of the shadow of death, know that I am with you and will never leave you.
Perhaps, your circumstances seem like more than you can endure, but the next day may bring you hope and deliverance. You go through seasons in your life, and few go through only good ones. Trials, struggles and difficulties are part of life, and I allow them to draw you closer to Me so that you can learn to trust Me and know that I am always there to help you. What kind of death are you facing?
Is it the end of a marriage or relationship, financial death, actual physical death or the death of a loved one? Depending on the kind of death, it may be an end before a new beginning. For those who know Me as Lord and My Son, Jesus, as Savior, it definitely is the beginning of eternity in heaven where there is no death.
Some in the world are predicting another virus and much death - death in the millions both physically and spiritually but that is already true as abortion is rampant throughout the world and more and more people are choosing to leave Me and My Ways.
The enemy has convinced and is using some people to believe that the world needs to be depopulated in order to survive. Because of this, they justify doing horrible things. Do they not know that I am the God who provides for their needs?
Millions upon millions have died at the hands of dictators throughout history, and it is still happening throughout the world. Even in the midst of death, you can experience and have life in Me now and in eternity. Choose life today and tomorrow, I love you and want you to live an abundant life. Amen.