Many nations are moving toward a crisis as winter approaches and there is a threat of fuel shortages as well as costly fuel. Those already living paycheck to paycheck will be those most dramatically affected. Inflation, food shortages, riots, crime, and the dismantling of the police and military are situations that have been created to prepare the way for a one world government and religion. Lucifer, Satan, has and is using many in the world who worship him to help advance his desire to rule the world and destroy all those who oppose him, especially Christians. Will he succeed? NO! As various situations look more and more dismal, you need to stand fast and trust Me as I allow the world to draw closer and closer to mass destruction and death before I step in. There is a group of leaders who are being used to create all of these situations. They want a third world war. They want to use nuclear weapons to create great devastation. They want to kill as many people as possible. They have created things greater than Covid-19, but it is to no avail because I will halt all of their plans. It may seem impossible for this to happen, but I am far more powerful than Lucifer and his followers. I can change in one day what has taken years for them to prepare.
Fear not, I am in control, and I am your protector and deliverer! Watch and see!
You are going to face some hard choices in the coming months as I am sifting My people and church. As My word says, I will separate the chaff from the wheat and the sheep and goat nations. I am about to deal with many throughout the world. Yes, the fear of My wrath will be experienced by many. It is time to get right with Me as the things that I have tolerated in the past, I will no longer tolerate. It is no longer things as usual but a time of judgment and consequences for wrong choices. Do you fear Me? You should! I know every word that you speak, every thought that you have, every motive of your heart, and every action that you take. You cannot deceive Me only yourself. Repent and get right with Me so I can forgive you and save you now and for eternity.
The Weekly Challenge: Forgive yourself for your mistakes.