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  • Writer's pictureRev. Trudy Daley

Are you ready for change? It is coming and quickly. Everything is accelerating.

Are you ready for change? It is coming and quickly. Everything is accelerating. When you are young, it seems to you that it would take forever for you to be twenty-one. When you are middle aged, you are asking yourself where did the last twenty years ago? When you are old, you ask where did all those years go and how much time do I have left? I am a God that sees you. I knew you before you were born. I saw you come into the world, and I saw you grow up, marry, have children, and then grandchildren and even great grandchildren. I have seen you during your good times and when you went through great difficulties and suffering, and I heard your cries for help and answered according to My perfect will for you. Perhaps, it was not in the way that you wanted or in the time that you wanted. One of the blessings of living a long life is that you get to reflect on your life. Now in retrospect, you may realize that one of the loves of your life would not have been the best mate for you. You can also see how I took you from one location to another and through different seasons – some good and some difficult. But they were just seasons in which if you chose to, you grew wiser, more in understanding, more compassionate, more humble and closer to Me and My Ways. As you review your life, what would you have done differently? All your decisions and choices have led you to where you are today, and the person that you are today.

If you don’t like who you are, then ask Me to change is not too late as long as you are alive. If there are things that you are still meant to do for the kingdom, you will live and be given the opportunity to do so. If you choose not to, why should you be left on the earth? I see you differently than you see yourself or others see you. You are My child covered in the righteousness of My Son, Jesus Christ, gifted to touch the lives of others whether the world sees you that way or not. Look at the disciples that I used to change the world. I can and will use all those willing to be used by Me – young, middle aged, old – male, female, any ethnicity—healthy or physically challenged. Do you want to be used by Me? Tell me that and see how your life changes --- quickly.

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