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Writer's picture: Rev. Trudy DaleyRev. Trudy Daley

June 6, 2023, Prophetic Word Received by Rev. Trudy Daley


The enemy has looked for every way possible to inflict pain on My children and the world. He has used dictators, wars, diseases, poverty, governments and corrupt leaders to do so. Millions have suffered and died at the hands of governments and their quest to gain and maintain power. The latest weapons of the enemy have been the Covid-19 virus, the vaccines created to battle it, the mandates being required of people to keep their jobs and their financial stability. Children’s educational needs and interpersonal relationships have dramatically suffered from the pandemic. An increase in suicides has also happened even amongst children. If that was not enough, millions died from the virus and often alone because their families were not permitted to be present. And yes, they are trying to create the same scenario again but this time with a more deadly virus. Pray against it and choose not to live in fear. My law of sowing and reaping (whatever you sow you will reap it back multiplied) will now become evident as all those who knowingly participated in creating the pandemic will now experience the negative effects of their evil multiplied.

I have heard the cries of those who have endured much pain physically and emotionally as they were being aborted, abused, or trafficked. My heart grieves over these instances, and the realization that even some who call themselves Christian participated in these activities (crimes). So loud have the cries from many of My children been who are in physical and emotional pain from diseases, sickness, abuse, starvation, oppression, abandonment, isolation and rejection in all its forms they have reached My ears and heart. My Son, Jesus Christ, took upon Himself all the sins of mankind that those who would choose to can make Him their Lord and Savior and can overcome the desire to do evil to themselves or others. Pray for your brothers and sisters in the world who have done evil that they would repent and turn from their evil ways and be forgiven and choose to change. My Son came to save, heal and deliver you from all the effects of the evil that you have experienced. Ask Him to help you and release to Him all the pain that you have had and the pain that you still suffer with.

Weekly Challenge! Pray for all those who do evil that they would repent and change their ways.

Word of Encouragement! You are never alone. I am always with you even though you cannot see Me. I have been with you throughout all that you have suffered while thinking that you were alone and that I didn’t care about you. That is a lie that the enemy keeps telling you to keep you from drawing close to Me, trusting Me and praying to Me. I will never leave you or forsake you. You are My beloved child.

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