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  • Writer's pictureRev. Trudy Daley

Prophetic Word - October 26th, 2019

Do you need help? Cry out to Me, and I will answer. You don’t need to pray a long prayer beseeching Me to help and explain all your circumstances. Just say, “God help Me.” I know everything about you and your life and have been waiting for you to reach out to Me. Do not be afraid to ask Me for help. You may have drifted far from Me and been in sin or just neglected your relationship with Me, but I am a forgiving father and nothing can separate you from My love. Remember that My love is unconditional, unlike most in the world. My heart grieves as I watch you suffering knowing that if you would just reach out to Me that I could intervene and be at work in the situation.

Many of you are under attack from the enemy because you have chosen to be obedient to Me and My will. Breakthrough is coming. You have more power and authority than the enemy. He has lost his authority but still tries to create fear and intimidate My children. He tries to generate confusion in you with lies and words of condemnation. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. The world may condemn you, but I do not. Yes, My Holy Spirit may bring words of conviction that will drive you to repentance but that is not condemnation. Sin leads to death and destruction. My will for you is life more abundantly. I want you to be blessed, happy, healthy, joyful and full of hope, gratitude and thanksgiving.

Know that the more you walk close to or into darkness it will affect you. Movies, television and books that elevate darkness rob your joy and zeal for life. Toying with it even through wearing costumes of zombies, vampires or death will impact you. These are not harmless things just like going to fortune tellers, tarot card readers or mediums. I am the one who knows your future and can reveal it to you through My Holy Spirit.

The tables are about to turn on those who have been deceitful and lying to people to gain power and influence. Justice will be served – not man’s justice but Mine and no one can escape My justice even if they escape the world’s justice.

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