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  • Writer's pictureRev. Trudy Daley

Prophetic Word - May 5th, 2018

I have declared war in the heavenlies against those who mock me and My laws. Those who are undermining goodness and righteousness. They call good evil and evil good. They have run roughshod over My people in many lands and have manipulated world economies and world governments. They are in for a rude awakening. I have had mercy on them giving them every opportunity to change their behavior, but their behavior is getting bolder and bolder. This has gone on for generations and they have only gotten bolder and more aggressive especially against My people and My laws. Where do you stand with alignment with My ways and My laws? Examine your hearts and motives because I am beginning to shake and shift those who call themselves Mine. Ignorance is not an excuse for not following My laws. I established them to guide your lives so that you could live in peace and prosper. I have written them upon your hearts so you intuitively know them. I have given you a conscience that if you listen to it can help guide you in your choices. If you ignore it often enough, it will no longer warn you of the dangers of the choices that you are making.

You are spoiling your children with gifts and allowing them to dictate too much in the family. They need discipline, love, affection and a good role model. What are they being allowed to learn from, television and all the devices they have? Many children do not know what reality is and what is fiction or truth. Many children are overprotected to the point that their growth and ability to function independently is threatened while others are neglected and abused. Children are a gift from Me. Treat them as such. You are My children and I love you, watch over you and protect you. Do the same for your children. Forgive them too just as I forgive you.

Jesus had an earthly mother, Mary, who cared for Him, sacrificed for Him, endured much and loved Him much. Many mothers are carrying heavy burdens and responsibilities and need to be helped, appreciated, respected and loved. Fathers are critical also to the family’s survival and wellbeing. Fathers you are to your families the one who creates structure and righteous leadership. You teach your sons to be men and your daughters how to love men. I have placed you in a position of spiritual leadership in your families and call you to help your wife and children fulfill the destinies that they have. You will be held accountable for this.

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