Get ready for a shock, perhaps more than one. Plans are being made to steal the election, and they are coming from many sources. No one will see it coming because all eyes are just on the candidates. Turmoil is going to be created from several different directions and there are forces even within the government that are going to be involved.
Keep your eyes on Europe and the Middle East as events happen simultaneously to destabilize them.
Food shortages are about to begin in various areas that have not seen them before and some countries that have refused GMO foods will be forced to take them.
A new sexually transmitted disease is going to be released in parts of the world just as Aids was. There will be no cure in the near future. It will be another way to control the population growth just like the Zika virus. There will be few symptoms until it is too late. No area of the population will be safe who participate in sex unless it is in a monogamous relationship. It will be able to be transmitted in a variety of ways.
Fear is going to be very prevalent in the next year as all these circumstances come together.
Before President Obama leaves office, he is going to do two very disruptive things that will not be easily reversed which will create much fear and anger.
Watch the skies as some strange events will be appearing in them. I am allowing some supernatural things to occur that will defy the laws of nature so people will know that they are from me.
There will be great upheaval in the earth both geophysical, politically and spiritually. My hand has been stayed for a season but events that were set in motion along time ago will still happen. Do not look to the government to save you because their hands are going to be tied as Washington argues over what to do. My people who hear my voice will be safe. Do not take anything in your life for granted because tomorrow it may not be there.