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  • Writer's pictureRev. Trudy Daley

Prophetic Word - July 3, 2016

A time is coming quickly when you need to be prepared for the hardship that is coming. Just as I was with my children in the past, I will be with you to provide for you and to bring you into a new place. I will be with you at the break of day. I will be with you at nightfall. Provisions will come to you in supernatural ways but you must also be wise and listen for my directions so you can make it through the journey. Keep your eyes on me – keep your ears open.

Much deception is about you that is hard to discern for many are vying for power. Little do they know that their destruction is close at hand. Pray that truth will be revealed and believed. My hand has been stayed by your prayers but much is still being weighed in the balance. Remember, I forgive you as you forgive others so forgive every one of all things and trust me to protect your heart and emotions.

The enemy has held some of you captive for a long time, but I am getting ready to set my people free in many ways. Seek me in the morning before you begin your day. Seek me at night before you sleep so that I can give you rest. Ask me to protect you and your children. Many things weigh on your mind but look to me for answers – not to the world. Many see me as a harsh task master, but I am a loving father. I know everything about you and all the walls that you have put up to protect yourselves, but all those walls do is to isolate you from me and all the people in your life who want to love you.

Enough – trust me to protect you and your heart. I am about to move amongst my people and draw you closer together. Some who have been alone for a long time, I am bringing partners into your life. This is for their protection and yours. I will give you the ability to know that they have been sent by me and not the enemy. Some of you have given up that you will have a mate, but I am going to begin to change the hearts of many who have made vows to remain alone. I did not create you to be alone but circumstances have done so.

Begin to ask me for financial advice so your resources will be safe and can be used for the kingdom and to help others. Just as I have in the past, I will provide for you and even multiply what you have. Some of you have been going through a very difficult time of lack, and I have allowed it so that when I give them back to you that you will use them wisely. Much is about to shift and change which will make you uncomfortable, but I am your comfort not the things around you for many of those are going to disappear. Stability is in me and nowhere else. Trust me in everything and come to me for all your needs and concerns and I will answer.

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