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  • Writer's pictureRev. Trudy Daley

Prophetic Word - June 2, 2016

I am grieved, my Holy Spirit is grieved because so many of my children do not seek me or my will for their lives. I know the plans that I have for each one of you – good plans – loving plans. You keep going about your lives as if nothing is ever going to change just like in the days of Noah. But just like in those days, the time is fast approaching that much is about to change. There will be many events that will try to create fear in you, but I say “fear not”. These things need to happen as part of my plans for the world. I am hearing many of my children crying out to me in frustration because their lives are not what they wanted or hoped for but neither did they seek me and my will for their lives. A time of repentance is needed on an individual basis and on a global basis. Man is far too self-focused. The words out of their mouths are “I want”, “I need” , “I have to have”. Soon your focus will have to change in order to survive. I put you in families to create a safe environment where your needs could be met and society would have a strong foundation. Man has redefined family and it is not going to provide what it needs to. People may be confused about their identity, but I am not confused about who I created them to be. Wake up! The enemy is the one sowing confusion and division amongst people. I call you to unity and cooperation and support of your brothers and sisters in Christ.

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