Fear not My children I have great and mighty things that I am going to do through you. I am pouring out my spirit in special ways, unique ways some of which you have not seen before. When I do you will see the fruits that these signs will produce. My people are hungry to know Me and what is of Me. There is much deception in the world but ask me to show you the truth and I will. You may feel inadequate to do the things that I am telling you to do but remember it is not you doing them but Me through you. I can and will do many miraculous things. Be prepared for people to be afraid and skeptical of what I do through you and many will dismiss them. To those who want more of Me, I say to you that there is no limit on how much of Me you can have. Call on Me and I will answer and reveal myself to you in ways you will never suspect, I am an awesome God who does awesome things through my servants. A tidal wave of My Spirit is building to flow over those who ask for more of me. Again, I say fear not.
Rev. Trudy Daley